How to Defrost a Fridge – 7 Steps to Do it Safely

The kitchen is the heart of the home, and the fridge is one of the essential appliances in the kitchen. A poorly cared for refrigerator can be a source of foodborne illness. So, it is important to keep your fridge clean and adequately maintained. When it comes to defrosting your fridge, there are a few different ways to defrost a fridge safely, and the best method will depend on the size and type of fridge you have.

There are two main ways to defrost your fridge: manually or automatically. If you have an automatic defrost fridge, set the defrost button and forget it – your fridge will do the work for you.

If your fridge doesn’t have an automatic defrost function and needs defrosting, don’t despair! It’s a pretty simple process that anyone can do. All you need is a little time and some patience. This article will guide you on how to defrost a fridge safely.

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7 Steps to Defrost a Fridge Safely

Steps to Defrost a Fridge Safely

1. Unplug the Fridge

If your fridge needs defrosting, unplug it before you begin. This will help prevent potential hazards, like electrical shocks, and make the defrost process go more smoothly.

2. Remove all food

After unplugging the fridge, remove all the food, including any frozen food. Put it safely in a cool place or another refrigerator if you have one.

3. Take out all the shelves and drawers

Once the food is removed, remove all the shelves and drawers and wash them in soapy water. If your fridge has a built-in ice maker, turn it off and remove the ice tray.

4. Use a hairdryer or a bowl of hot water

bowl of hot water

Ice can build up on the fridge’s walls and ceiling, making the fridge less efficient. If your fridge is full of ice and you can’t seem to get it to defrost, don’t worry; you’re not alone. Many people have this problem, and it’s pretty easy to fix. There are a few things you can do to melt the ice.

One option is to use a hairdryer. Turn the hairdryer on to the highest setting and direct the hot air to the ice. The heat from the hairdryer will melt the ice.

Another way to defrost the fridge is to put a bowl of hot water inside the refrigerator. This will help to melt the ice. Ensure the bowl is big enough so it doesn’t tip over.

If you have a lot of ice build-up, you may need to repeat these steps a few times. But eventually, you should be able to get rid of all the ice.

5. Wipe down the walls and ceiling of the fridge

Once the ice has melted, remove the bowl and dry the fridge inside with a clean towel.

6. Dry the shelves and drawers

Dry the shelves and drawers to defrost fridge

Next, you must dry the shelves and drawers before putting them back in the fridge.

7. Plug the fridge back in and turn it on

Finally, you have it – a clean fridge that’s ready to stock up with fresh food!

Why it is Important to Defrost a Fridge?

When it comes to keeping your food fresh, there’s nothing more important than a good fridge. But even the best fridge can’t do its job correctly if it’s not defrosted regularly.

Here are the reasons why it is essential to defrost a fridge.

  • Food stored in a fridge can spoil if the temperature is not maintained at a consistent level. If you defrost your fridge, it will help ensure the proper circulation of air and maintain a consistent temperature to keep the food fresh for longer.
  • It helps to keep the fridge running efficiently. A refrigerator full of ice can use more energy to run, increasing your energy bills. Defrosting your fridge can help keep it running more efficiently, saving you money on your energy bills.
  • If defrost is not done in time, it can result in excessive ice buildup and can cause your fridge to break down prematurely.

How Often You Should Defrost a Fridge?

Defrosting is vital for the maintenance of your fridge. But how often should you defrost your fridge? Most fridge manufacturers recommend defrosting your fridge every three to six months. If you live in a warm climate or use your fridge frequently, you may need to defrost it more often.

If you have a self-defrosting fridge, use it according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This type of fridge has a built-in defrost cycle, so you don’t need to do anything except ensure the fridge is turned on.

To Conclude

When it comes to the proper maintenance of fridges, there are multiple things that you need to take into account. One of the most important things is how you will defrost your fridge. In this article, we have explained the most convenient and quick way to defrost your fridge.

However, there is a downside to this method. Sometimes it takes a long time for the ice to melt, and during that time, your food can start to spoil.

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